GP2 Required Agreement
Collaboration Agreement
The Collaboration Agreement will be executed between the study PI(s) or sponsor, including their institution, and The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF). This agreement details the policies, including data sharing requirements, for participation in GP2. The PI or sponsor will also be asked to append their Informed Consent templates and ethics approvals for all cohorts/subjects they will be submitting to GP2.
If MJFF will be providing funding to the PI for their collaboration, that information will be stipulated in this agreement.
Material and Data Transfer Agreement
The Material Transfer Agreement and Data Transfer Agreement (MTA/DTA) will be executed between the study PI(s) or sponsor, including their institution, and the Laboratory of Neurogenetics (LNG) at the National Institute on Aging in the United States.
Staff at LNG, along with their counterparts at the University College London (UCL), will perform processing of genetic data and harmonization of clinical data, as required. GWAS data will be imputed using the most current genomic platform. The data will then be posted through the Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP PD) for broad sharing. Reimputed genetic data will be provided to the submitting researchers.
If the PI is submitting samples for DNA extraction and/or sequencing, the MTA/DTA will also be utilized to transfer the samples and associated clinical data. LNG will perform DNA extraction and GWAS/sequencing as needed, and they will post the genetic data and clinical data to AMP PD. If the samples cannot be sent to the United States for genetic sequencing, the MTA will be executed with a genotyping facility in the PI’s own country.
Data hosted by AMP PD is stored on Google Cloud servers. The genetic data will also be returned to the submitting researchers.
The Accelerating Medicine Partnership in Parkinson’s Disease (AMP PD)
The Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) is a public-private partnership between the National Institutes of Health (NIH), multiple biopharmaceutical and life sciences companies, and non-profit organizations. The research plan proposed for AMP PD encompasses a deep molecular characterization and longitudinal clinical profiling of PD patient data and biosamples with the goal of identifying and validating diagnostic, prognostic and/or disease progression biomarkers for Parkinson’s disease. A critical component of this partnership is broad sharing of the AMP PD data and analyses with the biomedical community to advance research in PD. AMP PD utilizes well characterized cohorts with existing biosamples and clinical data that were collected under comparable protocols and using common data elements. More information can be found at