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Portal Development Working Group

The Portal Development working group created and run the Monogenic Portal.

About the Portal Development Working Group

The Portal Development group is one of the three working groups making up the Monogenic Network. This working group is tasked with the creation and running of the Monogenic Portal.

The Monogenic Portal is a user-friendly web-based interface, through which clinicians and researchers around the world can contribute data and samples from families with Parkinson’s disease (PD), as well as single cases suspected to have a monogenic (Mendelian) cause for their PD. The portal is also used to obtain the results of genetics studies of their patients, as well as anonymized global/aggregated data from other GP2 participating centers.

Meet the leads & co-leads


Enza Maria Valente, MD, PhD

University of Pavia, IRCCS Mondino Foundation | Milano, Italy


Ai Huey Tan, MD, PhD

University of Malaya | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Meet the participants


Shen-Yang Lim

University of Malaya | Malaysia


Micol Avenali, MD, PhD

University of Pavia, Fondazione Istituto Neurologico Nazionale Casimiro Mondino | Pavia, Italy



  • Developed the electronic case report form (eCRF) for monogenic patients
  • Develop an online portal to manage monogenic cases database that is accessible by both administrators and investigators
  • Develop an excel sheet with data dictionary for bulk upload of clinical data onto the monogenic portal


  • Continuous review of clinical data submission to monogenic portal and enhancement of the data collection/submission workflow

Not Started

  • Integrate sample and result update notification to GP2 contributors through the monogenic portal (together with Monogenic Data Analysis WG)