Christine Klein, MD
Working Groups
- Lead, Monogenic Network
- Lead, Sample Prioritization Working Group
- Member, Operations and Compliance Working Group
- Member, Steering Committee
Dr. Christine Klein is a Professor of Neurology and Neurogenetics. She studied medicine in Hamburg, Heidelberg, Luebeck, London, and Oxford. She moved to Boston from 1997 to 1999 for a fellowship in Molecular Neurogenetics with Dr. X. O. Breakefield and completed her neurology training at Luebeck University in 2004, followed by a series of summer sabbaticals in movement disorders with Dr. A. E. Lang in Toronto, Canada in 2004–2015. She was appointed Lichtenberg Professor at the Department of Neurology of Luebeck University in 2005, where her research has focused on the clinical and molecular genetics of movement disorders and its functional consequences. In 2009, Dr. Klein been appointed Schilling Professor of Clinical and Molecular Neurogenetics at the University of Luebeck and became Director of the newly founded Institute of Neurogenetics in 2013.