Working Group Directory
GP2 is committed to global collaboration. We believe our world-class researchers are our best resources for each other and the broader Parkinson’s disease genetics community. Using GP2’s Working Group Directory below, you can search for, find, and engage with our global team.
Please browse the directory to find details about members that can help support participation in GP2 in your region or scientific discipline.
- Show all
- Administrative Support
- Bash
- Biobanking
- Biostatistics
- Career Development
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Clinical Operations
- Communications
- Course Management
- Data Science
- Distance Learning
- Diversity
- Education
- Epidemiology
- Genetics
- Genomics
- GP2 Master's
- GP2 Opportunities
- GP2 PhD
- Laboratory Science
- Machine Learning
- Molecular Biology
- Movement Disorders
- Networking
- Neurodegeneration
- Neurogenetics
- Neurology
- Operations
- Patient Advocate
- Patient Engagement
- Pharmacogenomics
- Program Management
- Project Management
- Python
- R
- Research Communications
- Research Grants
- Stata
- Training
- Show all
- Complex Disease Cohort Integration
- Complex Disease Data Analysis
- Complex Disease Network
- Data and Code Dissemination
- Monogenic Data Analysis
- Monogenic Network
- Monogenic Portal Development
- Monogenic Sample Prioritization
- Operations and Compliance
- Project Proposal, Approval, and Execution Working Group
- Steering Committee
- Training and Networking
- Underrepresented Populations
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 results