Cohort Dashboard
GP2の使命は、多様な患者グループの遺伝子型を特定し、PDのモノジェニック型が疑われる事例を研究して、パーキンソン病(PD)の遺伝的構造をさら深く理解することです。 私たちはこの使命をサポートするために、コラボレーション、そしてデータ、プロセス、結果の公開・共有を通して、世界中から多様なコホートを集めています。 私たちのこれまでのマイルストーンと活動実績は以下のダッシュボードから見ることができます。このページのデータは各四半期ごとに更新されます。
最終更新日:2022年 8月 10日 | GP2ハッカソン2021チームによるオリジナルデザイン:Mary Makarious、Kajsa Brolin、Yeajin Song、Anastasia Illarionova
Showing 10 of 285 cohort studies.
Central Asian and Transcaucasian PD (CAT-PD)
University College London | Almaty, Kazakhstan
Access Data on AMP® PD
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples
319 Completed out of 200 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples
314 Completed out of 200 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples
633 Completed out of 400 Expected
Ancestry Breakdown for Samples Completed
ShowScroll right for more
Ancestry | PD Cases | Healthy Controls | Parkinson's Adjacent Disorders | Prodomal | Total Non-PD Samples |
aac - african admixed | 0 | 1 | 0 | Pending | 1 |
afr - african ancestry | 0 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
fin - finnish population isolate | 0 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
aj - ashkenazi jewish | 0 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
amr - latino and indigenous people of the americas | 0 | 19 | 0 | Pending | 19 |
eur - general european ancestry | 16 | 33 | 0 | Pending | 33 |
eas - east asian ancestry | 2 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
sas - south asian ancestry | 0 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
cas - central asian ancestry | 268 | 50 | 2 | Pending | 52 |
mde - middle eastern ancestry | 12 | 183 | 2 | Pending | 185 |
cah - complex admixture history | 21 | 24 | 0 | Pending | 24 |
total | 319 | 310 | 4 | 0 | 314 |
Total for all completed samples | 633 |
Central Asian and Transcaucasian PD (CAT-PD) - Avicena Tajik State Medical University
Avicena Tajik State Medical University | Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples
Total Samples
Total Samples
0 Completed out of 0 Expected
Central Asian and Transcaucasian PD (CAT-PD) - Istanbul Klinic
Istanbul Klinic | Baku, Azerbaijan
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples
Total Samples
Total Samples
0 Completed out of 0 Expected
Central Asian and Transcaucasian PD (CAT-PD) - Kazakh National Medical University
Kazakh National Medical University | Almaty, Kazakhstan
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples
Total Samples
Total Samples
0 Completed out of 0 Expected
Central Asian and Transcaucasian PD (CAT-PD) - Somnus Movement Disorders Clinic
Somnus Movement Disorders Clinic | Yerevan, Armenia
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples
Total Samples
Total Samples
0 Completed out of 0 Expected
Central Asian and Transcaucasian PD (CAT-PD) - South Kazakhstan Medical Academy
South Kazakhstan Medical Academy | Shymkent, Kazakhstan
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples
Total Samples
Total Samples
0 Completed out of 0 Expected
Central Asian and Transcaucasian PD (CAT-PD) - Tbilisi State Medical University
Tbilisi State Medical University | Tbilisi, Georgia
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples
Total Samples
Total Samples
0 Completed out of 0 Expected
Characterization of the Genetic Architecture of Parkinson’s Disease in North Africa
Dr Benbadis University Hospital | Constantine, Algeria
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples
0 Completed out of 200 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples
0 Completed out of 200 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples
0 Completed out of 400 Expected
Christchurch Longitudinal Parkinson's Study
Southern Health and Disability Ethics Committee | Christchurch, New Zealand
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples
0 Completed out of 350 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples
0 Completed out of 80 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples
0 Completed out of 430 Expected
Clinical and genetic study of Unusual/Familial Movement Disorders
University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati, United States
Access Data on AMP® PD
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples
63 Completed out of 500 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples
0 Completed out of 180 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples
63 Completed out of 680 Expected
Ancestry Breakdown for Samples Completed
ShowScroll right for more
Ancestry | PD Cases | Healthy Controls | Parkinson's Adjacent Disorders | Prodomal | Total Non-PD Samples |
aac - african admixed | 1 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
afr - african ancestry | 0 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
fin - finnish population isolate | 0 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
aj - ashkenazi jewish | 4 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
amr - latino and indigenous people of the americas | 0 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
eur - general european ancestry | 58 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
eas - east asian ancestry | 0 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
sas - south asian ancestry | 0 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
cas - central asian ancestry | 0 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
mde - middle eastern ancestry | 0 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
cah - complex admixture history | 0 | 0 | 0 | Pending | 0 |
total | 63 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total for all completed samples | 63 |
GP2がコホートの遺伝子型同定を完了すると、すべてのデータは安全なAMP® PDプラットフォームを介して共有されます。登録してこのデータへのアクセスをリクエストする。