Miriam Ostrožovičová, MD

Area of Focus

  • Clinical Neuroscience
  • Trainee
  • Structural Variants
  • Rare Genetic Disorders
  • Movement Disorders
  • Cohort
  • Data Science
  • GWAS
  • Neurogenetics


Miriam is a wet-lab trained as well as computationally working MD, currently enrolled in neurology training as a junior doctor in Slovakia. She received her MD from the Pavol Jozef Safarik University (Kosice, Slovakia), where she also continues her PhD studies. She specializes in Parkinson’s disease with experience in data analysis of large study cohorts, co-supervised by Mie Rizig and Henry Houlden from UCL IoN as her external co-supervisors.

During her PhD studies, she joined the UCL IoN several times (via Erasmus PhD Fellowship and the MDS Research Trainee Fellowship) and is currenly a co-lead of the Central European Group on Genetics of Movement Disorders (CEGEMOD), which was established as a collaboration with UCL IoN to address the gap of genetic research within this region.

Her work focuses on the genetic architecture of Parkinson’s and rare neurodegenerative diseases, using interdisciplinary methods and techniques to improve the understanding of the disease. Apart from GP2, s
he is also involved in the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS Curriculum Development Sub-Committee Member), European Academy of Neurology (Institutional panel member on the EAN Scientific Panel Neurogenetics).