Jean-Christophe Corvol, MD, PhD

Area of Focus
- Genetics of Parkinson’s
- Cohort
Jean-Christophe Corvol is Professor of Neurology at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, head of the Clinical Research Center for Neurosciences, co-chair of the French clinical research network for Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders (NS-PARK), and co-leader of the Molecular Pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease research team at the Paris Brain Institute – ICM. His fields of interest are molecular basis, genetic modifiers and pharmacology of Parkinson’s disease. The approach is transversal, combining experimental models, candidate genetic association studies, imaging-genetic studies, and genome wide association studies. JC Corvol has published 336 original articles in peer review journals (H index=74). He is member of the French societies for Neurology, Pharmacology and Neurosciences, member of the steering committee of the MDS European Section, and member of the editorial board of the Movement Disorders journal.