Shilpa Rao

Shilpa es estudiante de cuarto año de doctorado en Medicina Molecular en Cleveland Clinic. Se graduó en Biología Molecular por Loyola University (Chicago). Empezó a colaborar con el consorcio LARGE-PD después de asistir a una presentación de Mata Lab como parte de su programa de doctorado. Shilpa cree firmemente que la diversidad es una necesidad fundamental, y que es un aspecto que muchas veces se pasa por alto en la comunidad científica. In society, the need to accept and represent all people is acknowledged, but it can be overlooked in the science community. With the growth of genetic research, it is astonishing that so much of the representation has been from people of European ancestry. Therefore, she believes LARGE-PD is one of the strong drivers in today’s research that focuses on inclusivity, an initiative that will inspire more minority genetic consortiums to be made. In her free time, Shilpa enjoys being outdoors with her pup Elsie, going to local pizzerias and breweries, and watching horror movies.