Complex Disease Network

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a complex neurodegenerative disease with a variety of genetic and environmental factors contributing to this disease. In the past decade, great progress has been made in identifying genetic risk for complex PD (or sporadic/idiopathic PD). Using genome-wide association studies (GWAS), around 90 independent risk factors have been identified, including widely known variants in gene regions from GBA, LRRK2, and SNCA.

We aim to dramatically expand this work and identify and dissect the genetic risk underlying PD by genotyping >150,000 DNA samples with a specific focus on underrepresented populations. By forming a large network of researchers across the globe that will provide data and DNA samples and by allowing open and democratic access to data, we hope to accelerate scientific discovery in PD. Our main mission is coordinating and organizing the complex arm of GP2, comprised of the groups Cohort Integration and Data Analysis.

Working Group
Andrew B. Singleton, PhD
Lead, Complex Disease Network

Andrew B. Singleton, PhD

National Institutes of Health | USA
Cornelis Blauwendraat, PhD
Co-lead, Complex Disease Network

Cornelis Blauwendraat, PhD

National Institutes of Health | USA
Caroline Pantazis, PhD
Working Group Participant

Caroline Pantazis, PhD

National Institutes of Health | USA
Progress so far
  • 176 cohorts contacted and 53 cohorts onboarded, with over 82,000 total samples (46,000 cases and 36,000 controls) approved for transfer
  • Produced custom genotyping cluster file to maximize genetic variant calling on the Neurobooster array
  • Transferred 8,644 complex disease samples, along with 235 monogenic cases, to AMP® PD
  • 595 users have access to GP2 Tier 1 data; 124 users have access to GP2 Tier 2 data
Remaining Year 3 Goals
  • 180 cohorts contacted and 60 cohorts onboarded
  • Transfer of 15,000 samples to AMP® PD
  • 750 users with access to GP2 Tier 1 data; 150 users with access to GP2 Tier 2 data

Contact Us

Please contact us if you would like to know more or if you have any questions: [email protected]