Cohort Dashboard

GP2の使命は、多様な患者グループの遺伝子型を特定し、PDのモノジェニック型が疑われる事例を研究して、パーキンソン病(PD)の遺伝的構造をさら深く理解することです。 私たちはこの使命をサポートするために、コラボレーション、そしてデータ、プロセス、結果の公開・共有を通して、世界中から多様なコホートを集めています。 私たちのこれまでのマイルストーンと活動実績は以下のダッシュボードから見ることができます。このページのデータは各四半期ごとに更新されます。



最終更新日:2022年 8月 10日 | GP2ハッカソン2021チームによるオリジナルデザイン:Mary Makarious、Kajsa Brolin、Yeajin Song、Anastasia Illarionova

Showing 10 of 285 cohort studies.

A Longitudinal Deep Phenotyping Study of Dementia in Parkinsonism - UCIPROS

University of California, Irvine | Irvine, United States
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples

0 Completed out of 100 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples

0 Completed out of 25 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples

0 Completed out of 125 Expected


uMed | London, United Kingdom
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples

0 Completed out of 3,000 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples

0 Completed out of 0 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples

0 Completed out of 3,000 Expected


University College London | London, United Kingdom
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples

0 Completed out of 408 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples

0 Completed out of 0 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples

0 Completed out of 408 Expected

AfrAbia-PD Genomic Consortium (AA-PDGC)

Kulliyyah Of Medicine of International Islamic University Malaysia | Kuantan, Malaysia
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples

0 Completed out of 100 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples

0 Completed out of 100 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples

0 Completed out of 200 Expected

Analysis of Genetic Variants in Patients with Parkinson's disease - BELGRADE

University of Belgrade | Belgrade, Serbia
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples

0 Completed out of 100 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples

0 Completed out of 0 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples

0 Completed out of 100 Expected


Ionian University, Altoida Inc. | Corfu, Greece
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples

0 Completed out of 300 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples

0 Completed out of 300 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples

0 Completed out of 600 Expected

Anxiety in PD

University College London | London, United Kingdom
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples

0 Completed out of 100 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples

0 Completed out of 100 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples

0 Completed out of 200 Expected


QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute | Brisbane, Australia
Access Data on AMP® PD
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples

1,414 Completed out of 10,000 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples

0 Completed out of 10,000 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples

1,414 Completed out of 20,000 Expected
Ancestry Breakdown for Samples Completed

Arizona Brain Bank Brain and body donation programme (BBDP)

Banner Sun Health Research Institution | Phoenix, United States
Access Data on AMP® PD
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples

139 Completed out of 324 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples

543 Completed out of 100 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples

682 Completed out of 424 Expected
Ancestry Breakdown for Samples Completed

AUTH - GP2 study

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Thessaloniki, Greece
Access Data on AMP® PD
Number of Samples Completed and Expected
Case Samples
Case Samples

66 Completed out of 100 Expected
Non-PD Samples
Non-PD Samples

22 Completed out of 60 Expected
Total Samples
Total Samples

88 Completed out of 160 Expected
Ancestry Breakdown for Samples Completed


GP2がコホートの遺伝子型同定を完了すると、すべてのデータは安全なAMP® PDプラットフォームを介して共有されます。登録してこのデータへのアクセスをリクエストする。





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